Rich Skipworth's Lock Down Doodles Book

$18.00 / On Sale

In 2020, Lockdown started, and Rich started doodling in a new style. He set about just drawing and painting the things he liked, using a colourful and deceptively simple technique. The things he liked included such subjects as greyhounds, trees, ice cream vans, steam trains, clouds, classic cars, and more greyhounds!

Rich Skipworth’s Lockdown Doodles Portfolio, 108 pages long and contains over 50 full color illustrations accompanied by many original working sketches.

This book showcases his first year’s work in this new style. It’s 108 pages long, 250mm (or 8 inches) square, and contains over 50 full color illustrations accompanied by many original working sketches.

Rich Skipworth has generously offered this book to us at a charity discount; our proceeds from this book will help raise money to help offset the North American transport of greyhounds and their vetting costs.


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